-The newest revolution in
gaming! This device
revolutionizes gaming by
allowing you to copy and
store game saves from a
Playstation compatible
memory card to the hard
drive of your PC. The
DexDrive also allows you
to e-mail game levels,
hidden characters or
customized team rosters
stored on a memory card
to other gamers around the
world via the internet. You
can even upload and
download game saves from
the Web!
-Archive your memory card
game saves onto a PC. The
DexDrive is the only device
that will let you store game
saves onto your computer's
hard drive or a floppy disk.
Also, copy from one
memory card to another
and reformat cards so they
are ready to be used again.
-E-mail game saves to others.
Use the DexDrive to e-mail
game saves to other DexDrive
owners. The DexPlorer
software makes this
transaction a snap.
-Upload and download
Playstation game saves onto
the internet. Post your fastest
racing laps onto the internet and
dare anyone and their mother to
beat it. Download updated team
rosters for your favorite sports
game from a newsgroup or
gaming web site. Recycle.
Receive. Restore. Replay. The
possibilities are endless! |