Help Croc, the crusading crocodile, rescue his peace-loving Gobbo friends from the grasp of the evil magician Baron Dante.  Five different 3D worlds to explore, including volcanoes, forests, ice glaciers and underwater caves, each with its own unique elements, terrifying monsters and mind-boggling obstacles.

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                            Keep From Dying in a Fall
                            If you miss a jump, pause the game before
                            Croc starts his yell. Press Select, choose
                            Quit game, Then select No. When given the
                            Quit games options, press down, and
                            neither Continue or Quit games will be
                            highlighted. Press X, and you will be given
                           to option to quit the level. You can then
                           restart the level with no lives lost.

                            Level Select
                            For access to all of the levels, including the
                            secret island, enter the password Left,
                            Left, Left, Left, Down, Right, Right,
                            Left, Left, Down, Right, Down, Left,
                            Up, Right.


                            Level   Password
                            1 - 1   ULLLLDDULULURRU
                            1 - 2   ULLLLDDULURDRRU
                            1 - 3   RULULUURLRURLUD
                            1 - B1  DLURLDRLRLRRDLL
                            1 - 4   URDLLDDULRRDRRU
                            1 - 5   RDDULUURLUURLUD
                            1 - 6   DRRRLDRLRDRRDLL
                            1 - B2  DRURRRRLLLLRULL
                            2 - 1   RDLURRURLRURLUD
                            2 - 2   DRURRLRLRLRRDLL
                            2 - 3   RLRRRRRLLLLLULL
                            2 - B1  ULDLRLDULRRDRRU
                            2 - 4   RDDURLURLRDRRUD
                            2 - 5   LUUULUDUDRULULD
                            2 - 6   RULURDURURDRRUD
                            2 - B2  DLURRURLULLLULL
                            3 - 1   RUDURDURURURRUD
                            3 - 2   RUDURDURURDLRUD

                            Secret Room
                            In the board "Lights, Camel, Action" go to
                            the room after the room where you save the
                            gobbo by the monkey bars. STOMP 3
                            times on the first jello. You should find a
                            secret room with about 4 hearts.

                            Sound Test
                            Go to the AUDIO OPTIONS screen and
                            press SELECT.

                            Warp to the End
                            Enter this password to warp to the end of
                            the game Left, Left, Left, Left, Down,
                            Right, Right, Left, Left, Down, Right,
                            Down, Left, Up, Right.
                            Submitted by Kawika Kreis