Axis forces are primed for a Blitzkrieg into the console arena with the development of Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Operation Resurrection for the PS2. Expanding on the same wickedly addictive gameplay that has driven the PC version to ship more than one million units and top sales charts worldwide, Operation Resurrection will feature unique design and technical modifications that take full advantage of the platforms advanced technology.
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PS2 Page

Exclusive PlayStation 2 Features:

    * Two additional unique levels
    * Additional weapon
    * Graphical effects specific to the PS2
    * Stealth Mode

Other Features:

    * Complete updated single player campaign for console and console controllers
    * Prologue mission with seven new single player levels
    * Training level
    * New special items to overpower the Nazi army, zombies and X-creatures
    * Enhanced in-game movies
    * New in-game secrets with special rewards for finding all secrets on a level
    * Special bonuses for eliminating enemies via stealth
    * Auto Aim for better controller accuracy (toggleable on/off)

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