At the main menu, quickly press Up, Up, Down, X, Triangle, Circle.
Do Not Press Buttons
Beware of the DO NOT
PRESS button in Episode 1. It will nuke you! But press the DO NOT
PRESS button in Episode
2 because it creates powerups!
More Lives on Episode 1
Get the Jet-Pac then
go back to the covered walkway where you started the level. Grab the
Extra-Life above the
PORT sign, fly along the top of the covered walkway to grab another, then
another atop the dome,
another atop the sign to the left, then one more behind the tail of the
Episode 1: In episode,
in the begining you know that babe on the faraway platform, well to get
you have to go throuth
the whole stage. When at the end turn around walk back to that brown
astroide and will see
a jetpack, on the other side three lives. Now go back to your space ship
the beginning and go
to the back thruster and there is another life. Go by the sign that says
and fly all along there and there is at least 5 or 6 lives there too.
Episide 2: Eventually
you will see a pear head carrying a newspaper in his hand. Follow him.
When he goes to the
toilet, blast him away and you will get a gun and extra lives.
Episode 3: Somewhere
in this level there will be a big gap between platforms. There should be
lives floating in mid
air. If you look closly the stars form steps to a platform full of lives.
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